On Bliss Street Joins the Pinterest Room Challenge: The Kid’s Room
Hi there Divas and…Divos? I guess it would be equal to La Nina and El Nino, right? Enough with the ambiguous weather pattern references, I’ve got a project that’s coming in hot and it’s going to rock you like a hurricane! Come on, it’s clever… A gift from me to you!
Come on, it’s clever… You can stick a pin that line to use later 😉 A gift from me to you!
Anyway, it’s Erica here from On Bliss Street, and I am so stoked to share my entry for the Toolbox Diva’s Pinterest Kid’s Room Challenge…
It began as a rusty, old, train wreck for $6 at Salvo-chic.
Only to be transformed into a beautiful swan… Alright, no-one actually uses that phrase without gagging a little bit, especially me, so let’s just say this bad boy got made over right!
Just enough scruffy dings and dents that every school desk should have! For a full tutorial and more pics, take a stroll over On Bliss Street. We’re pretty friendly over there…At least to your face 😉
Thanks Timisha for hosting such a great challenge, it pairs well with my Cheap-o Room Challenge, as does a nice glass of cheap wine. You know, the pink kind.