Simple Modern Entryway That Makes a Stylish First Impression
How to add a DIY mudroom entry wall using 1x2s. This mudroom wall is great for small spaces or when you don’t have a dedicated mudroom.
How to add a DIY mudroom entry wall using 1x2s. This mudroom wall is great for small spaces or when you don’t have a dedicated mudroom.
As the days have gotten shorter and the nights have grown colder I’ve found myself breaking out the winter coats and boots. The problem is, I didn’t have any place to store my coats or shoes. My house doesn’t have a coat closet. And in the past I’ve had a problem with scarves, shoes and…
My front door…..well, yea…it was not pretty. In fact, if I’m completely honest with you, I was totally embarrassed by what a person would see when they drove by my house or walked up to my front door. Aside from installing a motion sensor light and putting up a welcome sign that displayed my favorite…